Coupons and Deals

Coupons & Deals

This page is the only place to get a valid coupon code for use at Green Meadow Memorials.

We do this so you can:

  • Shop confidently knowing we offer fair prices on all of our items every day, all day
  • Know that you are not missing out on a hard to find offer
  • Enjoy Free Shipping on all items without an order minimum
  • Know that the price you see is the price you pay with no extra handling or packing fees

Many customers are more satisfied with their purchase when they receive their items faster.

This is the only valid coupon for use on - and it's for $5 off of our UPS Ground shipping!


Enter that promo code using the "Have a promo code?" in the Shopping Cart and select UPS Ground shipping.  Save $5 on your premium shipping.  It's that simple.